January 21, 2015

  • The first step of the Redevelopment Predesign Phase was the consultation process with VC’s teachers and staff to create the educational vision for the project. What is 21st Century Learning at Vancouver College? How do we equip our boys for learning in our next century?
  • Acton Ostry Architects together with Resource Planning Group Inc. (represented by Steve Yeomans and Karen Long) led a VC Faculty and Staff Town Hall Meeting.
  • The purpose of this workshop was to informally brainstorm and document key "big picture" issues and ideas that should be considered in determining space requirements and design. Faculty and staff were subsequently asked to complete a comprehensive questionnaire that focused on identifying goals and directions for pedagogy and learning.



February, 10, 11, 16, 17, 2015

  • A series of smaller group meetings with various user groups were held with Acton Ostry and Resource Planning Group. Faculty and staff joined a user group or groups that best reflect their teaching and student cohort focus. The purpose of the discussions was to develop space and equipment requirements and to begin to identify design implications.

User groups included:

Kindergarten Senior School (Gr 10-12) Mathematics Languages
Grade 1-3 Humanities (Social Studies/English) PE/Athletics Student Services
Grade 4-6 Campus Ministry & Religion Arts (Visual/Applied) Administration
Middle School
(Gr 7-9)
Science Arts (Performing) Library/Commons



February 23, 2015

  • VC Parents were invited to an Educational Vision Forum on the Campus Redevelopment for our next century. There were presentations, discussion among panellists, audience comments, and questions & answers. Keynote speakers included:
    • Archbishop J. Michael Miller – The Catholic School of the Future
    • Principal Johnny Bevacqua – Vancouver College’s Educational Vision
    • Architectural Programming Consultant Steve Yeomans – The Visioning Process with VC Teachers
    • Mark Ostry, Architect – New ideas in school architecture, classroom design, space usage, furniture configurations, and more.
  • In January 2016, Acton Ostry Architects consulted with faculty as a follow up to the educational visioning work done in the spring of 2015.



April 8 - 10, 2015

  • Over a period of three nights, parents were invited to a Redevelopment Design Principles and Thematic Exhibition. Guests dropped in to view a series of display panels that included design and thematic responses resulting from the architects’ and planners’ consultative meeting with faculty, staff, and parents. Parents and members of the Vancouver College community were given an opportunity to provide additional feedback after the exhibition.